Markdown Formatting

This page is meant for developers, documenters, and maintainers of ORP. This page explains the syntax recognized by Sphinx in order to properly display information.

As a side note, both markdown and rst are enabled in the, allowing some flexibility.


Recommonmark is a bridge to displaying CommonMark, a syntax specification for Markdown. The full specifications of CommonMark are outlined here. This link refers an easy markdown cheatsheet. There are no guarantees that Sphinx CommonMark has the same specifications.


After creating your new markdown/rst files with your information or documentation, make sure to add it to the index.rst toctree. In addition, to build this project, go to the parent directory orp/sphinx-docs and call the following command: sphinx-build -b html source build.

Build can be replaced by another directory (i.e. for testing purposes).

The following are basic structural syntax for formatting orp guides or documentation.








Followed by a space and text act as headings, from largest to smallest, respectively.

IMPORTANT: These headings (# and ## are recognized by Sphinx and are inserted into the table of contents. By default, the maxdepth for the index.rst is limited to 2, hiding all subheadings that are ###, ####, and #####.

This is a ##### heading!


  • ‘-‘ followed by a space and then text is treated as an element of a bulleted list.
    • el
    • el
    • el
  • similarly, a number with a period and a space then text is treated an element of a numbered list.
    1. el1
    2. el2
    3. el3

‘***’ acts a thematic break.

Author: Matthew Yu Last Modified: 03/15/19