# Markdown Formatting This page is meant for developers, documenters, and maintainers of ORP. This page explains the syntax recognized by Sphinx in order to properly display information. As a side note, both markdown and rst are enabled in the conf.py, allowing some flexibility. ## Recommonmark Recommonmark is a bridge to displaying CommonMark, a syntax specification for Markdown. The full specifications of CommonMark are outlined [here](https://spec.commonmark.org/0.28/). This [link](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet) refers an easy markdown cheatsheet. There are no guarantees that Sphinx CommonMark has the same specifications. ## Setup After creating your new markdown/rst files with your information or documentation, make sure to add it to the index.rst toctree. In addition, to build this project, go to the parent directory orp/sphinx-docs and call the following command: ``sphinx-build -b html source build.`` Build can be replaced by another directory (i.e. for testing purposes). *** The following are basic structural syntax for formatting orp guides or documentation. ## Formatting ### Headings \# \#\# \#\#\# \#\#\#\# \#\#\#\#\# Followed by a space and text act as headings, from largest to smallest, respectively. **IMPORTANT**: *These headings (\# and \#\# are recognized by Sphinx and are inserted into the table of contents. By default, the maxdepth for the index.rst is limited to 2, hiding all subheadings that are \#\#\#, \#\#\#\#, and \#\#\#\#\#.* ##### This is a \#\#\#\#\# heading! ### Lists - '-' followed by a space and then text is treated as an element of a bulleted list. - el - el - el - similarly, a number with a period and a space then text is treated an element of a numbered list. 1. el1 2. el2 3. el3 '\*\*\*' acts a thematic break. *** Author: Matthew Yu Last Modified: 03/15/19